What’s more fun than seeing a show at Book-It? Volunteering for one! When you volunteer for Book-It you get to be part of the action and experience an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into each production.*
Oh, and did we mention that you get to see the show for free? Cause you do.
You’re probably thinking, “That sounds amazing. But what am I gonna have to do to get in on these awesome perks?” Well at Book-It, we have a variety of volunteering options to choose from:
- You could sling wine and snacks at concessions
- Hone your literary knowledge at the Book Nook
- Fulfill your ticket taker dreams by scanning tickets
- OR just be a super helpful person and show people to their seats
It’s so easy! Are you ready to volunteer? Click on this link: Volunteer! Pick your show preferred date, put in your info, and there you have it, folks! You are set to volunteer.
Any questions, concerns, superb puns? Email your friendly neighborhood House Manager, Sasha Bailey at sashab@book-it.org
We hope to see you at the theatre!
*Hanging out with taxidermy armadillos is not a volunteer requirement