“All new all the time.” At least it feels like that at the moment. Book-It has been making some nips and tucks and additions and shifts over our summer months and we want to let you know what you’ll see next time you visit us at the Center Theatre:
1) Long-time patrons will miss seeing/hearing Rachel Alquist in our box office. Rachel has made a leap over to our development department and will now provide the same excellent customer service as she works with Book-It donors and potential donors (may we suggest staying in touch with her as a supporter of our theatre?).

2) When you enter the lobby, you will see a couple of new faces: Scott Herman has joined the marketing team as Patron Services Manager and many folks may have already met our new House Manager, Michelle Berweiler. They are already a rock-star team with Box Office Lead Tom Dewey and will soon be joined by our stalwart volunteers to make your experience at the theatre fantastic. Want to volunteer? Email [email]scotth@book-it.org[/email]

3) The new “king” of behind-the-scenes efforts is Production Manager Will Abrahamse. His specialité (say that with your French accent) is making sure all technical production tasks stay on schedule and that we have people on board to make every job happen on time.
Former Production Manager Anders Bolang has moved to our scene shop as master carpenter to manage our work there; he also makes sure that the space is sublet when we’re not using it—anyone need to rent a great carpentry space with all the fixins? Get in touch with Anders: [email]andersb@book-it.org[/email]
4) We’ve said “so long” to our long-time education goddess, Annie Lareau, who made amazing contributions to our school touring programs and Special Editions projects over the years. Look for her on stage and working as a director all over the Puget Sound area.
We also wish to introduce our newest board members: Ross Baker, Stuart Frank, Steve Schwartzman, and Shirley Roberson. Meet our entire board here.
So, here we are, primed and ready to take on our 24th season and everyone is looking forward to welcoming our old and new loyal audiences. Do you have your tickets yet?
Patricia Britton
Director of Marketing and Communications